The SIKAR COLLEGE OF NURSING having well furnished equipped Laboratory with Science biological & Technology apparatus and chemicals which are required to demonstration all experiments . charts and models are also collected for the benefit of the students and teachers.
Anatomy & Physiology Lab: this lab is well equipped with charts, models, articles,specimens, adult human articulated and non articulated skeleton, cadaver, spinal cord, for demonstration |

Community Lab: Community Lab is well equipped with articles, models, charts, community bags, assessment articles, hand washing articles, urine testing kit, dressing kit, medicines, etc for the purpose of demonstration and practice.

Fundamental Lab.: Nursing Fundamental Lab is well equipped with six beds, bed side Lockers, over bed table, Instrument cabinate with complete kits of surgical Instruments, all size of tray’s, Autoclaving apparatus with Dressing Drums, Formalin chambers, Linen, Glass ware, Charts, Models, Articles, Dummy Dolls, whole body Basic CPR Manikin & Multi Functional Patient care manikin etc.

MCH Lab.: this lab is equipped with midwifery kit, Instruments, Models, Charts, articles, complete PVC set of development process for fetus, New born baby, PVC model of Human female pelvis section, model course of delivery process as per INC norm’s.

Nutrition Lab. : Nutrition Lab equipped with cooking apparatus ,cylinder, pots, washing facility, Kitchen ware, mixer with accessories, kitchen weighing scale, microwave with cooking vessels, dinner set, Glass ware, Charts, Models, Articles, etc as per required INC norm’s.

Audio Visual Lab.: this lab is equipped with Over head projector, Slide Projector, Projection map type screen, Color Television 53”,VCD/DVD Player, Audio – Video Recorder, Amplifier, Science & Technology Slides, Computer etc as per required INC norm’s.

Microbiology & Biochemistry Labs. : Microbiology & Biochemistry Labs are equipped with Microscope, Ovum, Centrifuging machine, calorie meter, chemical Regents ,Scientific kits, Science & Technology Charts, Glass ware, Charts, Models, Articles, as per required to demonstration all experiments.

Computer Lab.: Computer lab equipped with Software & Hardware IT Technology equipments & Systems, BSNL high speed Internate facility,15 Computers with CPU, Key Board, Printers, Speakers, mother board fitted with Pentium 4 Processor.